Conversational & Voice Analytics

Move Forward With Voice Analytics, Not Guesswork

Analytics are at the center of Voicify’s service offering.

Similar to web and mobile, brands need real-time information about their voice campaigns. Voicify provides this data to help you track your performance over time and across your various pieces of content. Here are some components of our analytics offering:

  • Get a summary of how many users are interacting with your brand, their level of engagement, and how often they are returning.
  • Track changes and get a better understanding of how adjustments to your content impact your audience.

Our unique approach to cross-platform compatibility provides insight into how your content is doing across multiple services and allows you to fine-tune your message to reach the broadest audience possible. Here are some ways we approach the data:

  • If a particular service is having trouble understanding your users’ requests, we can help you identify and resolve those issues to help you create a better experience.
  • If a particular request is not being fulfilled, Voicify will give you information that will help you determine potential gaps between what your users are looking for and what you are offering.
  • Filling in this disparity allows you to provide high-value content and keep your audience satisfaction soaring.
  • Dive a little deeper and get a detailed view of how people are actually interacting with your product.
  • See how a conversation is typically structured and even what phrases are most commonly used.

25 point NPS® advantage among voice assistant users for a brand in US that provides a voice assistant to consumers versus a brand that doesn’t


Metrics and Filters You’d Expect

As marketers, we’ve become accustomed to having access to common types of usage data with the software we use, and how our audience uses the experience.  Here is selected metrics you receive with Voicify, filterable and able to be drilled down into.

  • Performance over time
    • Year, Month, Week, Day
    • User
    • Sessions
    • Interactions
    • By service (assistant, bot)
    • By feature type
  • Top Conversations
    • Title
    • Interaction Type
    • Users
    • Sessions
    • Interactions


Smart Display adoption increase in 2018 alone. - Voicify &

Your customers are literally talking to you, Voicify lets you listen.

No where in time is the phrase ‘listen to your customers’ been more meaningful and more literal.  With Voicify you get access to the language your audience is using with you, when you don’t have a response.

That’s right.  When someone asks your voice app for something and you don’t have a response, we grab it and store it, so you can see it.  We think it’s a little more than helpful.  It’s a de facto channel roadmap. 

  • Misses & Failures
    • Year, Month, Week, Day
    • Missed Intent
    • Missed Interactions
    • Sessions
  • Top Missed Interactions
    • Interaction Type
    • Phrase/Data
    • Occurances

An Analytics API to extend the value of Voicify Analytics

The modern MarTech stack will have a series of systems all working together in order to bring the customer experience to life.  Ensuring the analytics of each flows to a single view is critical for sophisticated brands and agencies, so we made sure ours can.

You can view analytics within Voicify, you can export the raw data or you can leverage our API* to send Voicify Analytics to a third party system such as:

*the Voicify API enables analytics extensibility, established connectors are not yet official

87% of users are satsified with their payment /send money experience with a voice  assistant
