The Voicify Conversational AI Platform
Supporting thousands of voice assistants deployed across Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Samsung Bixby and custom, enterprise-owned end points.
Voicify 3.0 Key Features
New App Listing Dashboard
A brand new user interface allows for search and filtering to better manage your apps views.
Implicit Personalization
Pre-existing conditions within Voicify to execute implicit personalization include:
- Using/Not Using Platform
- User has/does not have Flag
- Has/does not have Session Attribute
- Using/Not Using Device
- Using Device with Capability ‘x’
- User is/not Account Linked
- Is New/Returning User
- Slot contains/doesn’t Value
- User navigating/not from Content
- User has/not hit content
- Session has/doesn’t flag
- User has/doesn’t attribute
- Session has/doesn’t attribute
The Marketplace
The marketplace allows you to activate templates and integrations to your apps. You can also supply your own template or app to the community.
App Archiving
Keep your apps organized with the ability to archive apps which may have a future purpose but which aren’t currently active.
Enhanced Webhooks
Chain response resolver webhooks together to combine the features of multiple integrations in one conversation turn. Manage new parameter types to get the most out of webhook functionality. Webhooks are now tied to your individual apps and can be organized in folders.
Explicit Personalization
Establish custom user flags mapped to any API accessible field within your digital stack. Common personalization elements include:
- product purchases
- purchase date
- web channel login (behavior)
- mobile app login (behavior)
- length of relationship
- last action with brand
- many more…
Voice UX Flow SPARK Templates
There are common, powerful conversation flows and subjects that transcend industry or brand: where is my order, link my account, have customer service call me, text me a link to name a few.
Voicify has and continues to build the library of common VUX Flows as SPARK Templates for our customers to use as is or as a basis for their own needs.
API Key Management
Create and manage API keys to access the Voicify APIs more easily. Keys can be given expiration dates and are encrypted within Voicify. You can only view it once when you create it.
Alexa Integration Enhancements
Voicify supports new Alexa functionality like:
- Full package deployment
- Pre-built Task Support
- Deep Link Alexa Quick Links
Integrations and templates are now part of the Frameworks marketplace. That means you can manage your integrations after using it, change values, get updates and new versions, and share your integrations with other Voicify users.
Automated Onboarding
An in platform tutorial process to help customers familiarize themselves with the user interface and common tasks.
Rolling 3.x Features
Conversation Transfer
Let your users move between multiple apps in one session on whatever platform your apps are deployed to. Create aggregator and directory apps that help users find their way to your features more easily.
App Environment Management
Create content that you can test first before shipping as an update to your production app. Share test versions of your app with select users before adding those features for everyone to use.
First Party SPARK Templates additions
Building on round one of our VUX Flow to SPARK Templates we will continue to add our own first party templates as well as accept 3rd party templates to the Marketplace.
SDK Expansion
In our ongoing effort to make Voicify simple to connect to any 3rd party system we will be issuing SDKs for Java and Python in an upcoming point release.
Actions Builder Support
Deploy your Voicify apps to the new Google Actions Builder. This means you can create Google Actions without needing to create a Dialogflow agent first. Voicify will continue to support deploying your apps to Dialogflow separately from Google Actions.
Interaction Functionality
Base Features
Cancel Control
Ability to cancel current function, return to previous conversation element
Stop Control
Stop the current conversation in place
Media Controls
Control all media delivered within a conversational UI.
Image Support
Upload or reference images for background and foreground use. Optimized per device by Voicify.
Audio Support
Voicify supports short form, long form and sonic branding snippet audio for use across the conversation.
Video Support
Upload or reference video files for conversational responses. Optimized per device by Voicify.
Welcome Message
Create and manage any number of welcome messages for random experiences or toggle on and off for specific days, seasons, events, campaigns or launches.
Exit Messages
Create and manage any number of exit messages for random experiences or toggle on and off for specific days, seasons, events, campaigns or launches.
Help Messages
Create and manage a variety of help messages to assist your audiences based on subject or challenge.
Multi-turn Conversations
Targeted Responses
Request and force a response from the user to move through a process, form or questionaire such as yes/no, number range or other specific values.
Contextual Fallback
Offer specific fallback messages for the conversation item the user is in.
Contextual Help
Offer support unique to the conversation item and subject being conversed on, available specifically when needed.
Suggest More Content
Don’t simply answer a question, guide the user to a natural next topic.
On-screen Hints
Offer visual, touchable hints on devices with screen support
Targeted Responses
Manage specific and expected responses for specific flows and handle what to do when the user deviates.
Requires Context Control
Make certain portions of a conversation only available when a correct path is taken.
Templatize a Voice App
Take an existing voice app and generate templates from the content and functionality.
Template Generated Content
Use templates to generate content within any app
Variable Replacement
Add variables to responses, inputs, media, webhooks, and more
Multidirectional Syncing
Sync updates from template apps to any app using the template
Official Starter Templates
first party templates built and managed by Voicify
Contextual Instruction Control
Provide documentation contextually within the template form for content teams to understand the intention of the fields
- Markdown editor
- Template level docs
- Page level docs
- Field level docs
Template Combinations
Construct apps by leveraging multiple templates
Native Voicify Controls
Continue customizing your generated app content using the full power of the Voicify CMS
Third Party Templates
Templates built by users of Voicify
Form Driven Variable Control
Create a simplified forms to handle the variables in your template app
- Pages to group fields
- Simple Text Fields
- Long Text Fields
- SSML Editor Fields
- Radio Groups
- Dropdown Fields
- Date Fields
- Number Fields
Scalable Templates
Create templates for anything from simple conversation flows to entire integrated apps
User Management Functionality
Role Based Security
Differentiate between members of the team and the access they have to the conversational components.
Profile Management
Typical profile management elements for individual members and users.
Organization Switcher
One user can be a member of ‘n’ number of organizations allowing them to toggle between apps, organizations and nested voice apps.
Invite User and User Management
Bring in new members for content admin and testing as well as manage the team.
CMS Single Sign On
Leverage exsiting enterprise authentication for your admins and editors.
Settings & Configurations
Multi-lingual CMS UI
Manage your voice apps through Voicify in a variety of user interface languages.
Multi-lingual Support
Combine nearly any language and country together to create and manage voice apps specific to a region or voice marketplace.
Auto Deployment
Connect your companies account with Google, Amazon and Bixby, and Voicify builds, deploys and is constantly connected moving forward.
Webhook API support
Leverage our open API and Webhook layer to tie third party data as variables across Voicify and at any layer of the conversation needed.
Fulfillment Endpoints
Beyond major voice assistants and chatbots you can deploy the conversational model generated by Voicify to nearly any endpoint you want.
Multi Voice App Management
You can create, deploy and manage any number of apps you may need, their content, deployment, endpoints and analytics.
Voicify generates, delivers and manages common best practice and metadata for each platform.
Application Data Management
Full control over common app fields and data including: application name, invocation name, description (short and long) and keywords.
Integration Management
Control event web hooks for your activation and analytics including: item saved, deleted, member added, request received, content hit and content miss.
Connected Integrations
Google Pay
Connect your Google Pay account to your Voicify managed Action and enjoy voice commerce.
Amazon Pay
Connect your Amazon Pay account to your Voicify managed Skill and enjoy voice commerce.
Samsung Pay*
Connect your Samsung Pay account to your Voicify managed Bixby Capsule and enjoy voice commerce.
Leverage customer and product data in Salesforce to drive personalized and dynamic conversations.
Connect one or all of your Coveo indexes and AI to automate conversational resposnes to any endpoint.
Connect your Yext account and create a voice app deployed to all voice assistants quickly.
Connect Voicify and Sitecore to leverage digital assets stored in Sitecore as components of conversational responses across all end points.
Connect Voicify and Episerver to leverage digital assets stored in Episerver as components of conversational responses across all end points.
Connect Twilio to deliver reference and support material to the conversation via SMS and email or transfer the user to a human via phone.
Connect your Shopify instance to Voicify to automate Voice Commerce
Articles Feed
Leverage a structured XML feed of text and image based content to dynamically create conversations.
Media RSS Feed
Leverage a structured XML feed of video content to dynamically create conversations.
Podcast Feed
Leverage a structured XML feed of audio/podcast content to dynamically create conversations.
Leverage a live feed of audio or video content as a broadcast element within Voicify.
Remote Content Fulfillment
Generate webhooks to extract variable content elements into conversational items in Voicify.
Experience Management
Extensible & Modifiable Structure
Voicify has no mandated organizational structure. Mix and match conversational items (Q&A, Events, Polls, Latest News etc…) per folder. Move, import, export and nest as your business requires.
Audio Preview
Listen to how your content will be experienced, by device or in general, including recordings, sonic elements and SSML within Voicify.
Chatbot Preview
Experience the content has a chatbot agent within the Voicify system and simulator.
Smart Display Preview
Receive a preview of how your content will be experienced on a smart display and drill down further by selecting specific devices and create overrides as needed.
Device Optimization
Store or connect all possible content with Voicify and Voicify will optimize the right content mix depending on the modalities a requesting device is capable of assembling.
Device Customization
While Voicify optimizes your content by device dynamically, you also have the ability to create a custom conversation instance per unique device, allowing you to optimize for a known audience segment.
Visual SSML Editor
Apply Speech Syntax Markup Language to text to speech readouts in a visual way. This method allows editors to quickly move through SSML management without constant aural validation.
Media Library
Maintain an inventory of all media items and connect them as needed across the experience while retaining a single copy of it.
Conversational Simulator
Leverage the Voicify Simulator to hear and visualize the conversation by modality and by device segment to ensure your preferred experience is being rendered.
Import/Export (JSON)
With the click of a button import or export conversational structure, content and media references within an app or across disparate apps, even to a custom application.
Notification Center
Stay on top of all Voicify updates and track support tickets within Voicify in the native notification center.
Device Profile Permissions
Leverage built-in support to request device permission for email address, physical address and/or phone number for contextual conversations.
Flash Briefing
In addition to the larger conversational experience, identify a portion of the application to be used as a Flash Briefing on Amazon Alexa.
Alexa Presentation Language Support
The ability to incorporate custom Alexa Presentation Language code into conversation item responses.
Anonymous Metrics
Track the history of requests against anonymous user data. User data is safe, and your data is useful.
Misses & Failures
Get the details of what people are saying to your app that you don’t have the answers for.
Integrate Your Analytics
Send request data that Voicify uses to track requests to your existing analytics engines to track usage how you want to
Performance Metrics
Understand how users are interacting with your apps and content.
API Driven
Create custom queries and export analytics data from your other systems
Breakdown by End Points
Understand usage by Alexa, Google Assistant, Bixby, Facebook Messenger, Twitterbot, Slackbot etc…
Breakdown by Device Type
Understand usage by Echo, Echo Show, Samsung TV, iOS app, Android app, Lenovo, Apple Watch, Refrigerator etc…
Breakdown by Device Capability
Understand usage by capability of speaker, screen, appliance etc…
Breakdown by Language
Understand usage by language of the user
Breakdown by Device Type
Understand usage by Echo, Echo Show, Samsung TV, iOS app, Android app, Lenovo, Apple Watch, Refrigerator etc…
Breakdown by Device Capability
Understand usage by capability of speaker, screen, appliance etc…
Breakdown by Interaction Type
Understand usage by the nature of the interaction; Q&A, Recipe, integration etc…
Breakdown by Device Type
Understand usage by Echo, Echo Show, Samsung TV, iOS app, Android app, Lenovo, Apple Watch, Refrigerator etc…
Time Filtered Delta
Apply the time filter to nearly all other metrics and compare two time periods
Returning v new users
See the difference between first time and returning visitors
User Segment
Drill down into a variety of user segments defined
Histogram Visualizations
Obtain data in a visual format in addition to tabular layouts
User Analytics by %, Value & Delta
View user data by percentage, raw value or difference
Sessions by %, Value & Delta
View usage sessions by percentage, raw value or difference
Interactions by %, Value & Delta
View conversational interactions by percentage, raw value or difference
Misses by %, Value & Delta
View conversational misses by percentage, raw value or difference
SDK for TypeScript and JavaScript for node devs to build webhooks and integrations with Voicify
SDK for .NET devs to interact with the Voicify Assistant API
The Voicify Core Models SDK
SDK for TypeScript and JavaScript to integrate with the Voicify CMS API
SDK for .NET devs to build webhooks and integrations in Voicify
SDK for node developers to integrate with the Voicify Assistant API
SDK for .NET devs to interact with the Voicify CMS API
All data stored in Voicify is encrypted at-rest. Including images, content, analytics data, and more. All requests to and from Voicify are encrypted at rest and are enforced for any 3rd party webhooks as well.
Voicify does not track any end-user PII. All analytics data is anonymized and groomed before storing. If your apps require PII for integrations to function, it is merely passed through Voicify.
Data Extraction
All your content can be exported and removed automatically. This includes your end-user data. Any integration that access your app are also managed by you.